- 2023.12.11
- 2023.11.05
- 2023.11.05
FINISHED [11/05 PM]Balloons of Pacific Cup (main competition) take off from outside of the launch.
- 2023.11.04
FINISHED [11/04] La Montgolfier Nocturne(Night Tethering)] We will announce just before it starts.
- 2023.11.04
FINISHED [11/04 PM]Balloons of Pacific Cup (main competition) takeoff from outside of the launch.
- 2023.11.04
FINISHED [11/05 AM]Balloons of Pacific Cup (main competition) takeoff from outside of the launch.
- 2023.11.02
NOW [11/02PM] Pacific Cup (Main Competition) will take-off from the main event area all at once.
- 2023.10.26
- 2023.10.25
The pamphlet of 2023 Saga International Balloon Fiesta, (simplified version) is released.
- 2023.09.13
- 2023.06.05
- 2023.05.18
- 2023.01.13