2023 Yoshinogari Winter Balloon Fiesta
On December 16th (Sat) and 17th (Sun), 2023, the Yoshinogari Balloon Fiesta is held in Yoshinogari Historical Park, with the official approval by Japan Balloon Federation.
The competitive events are held only in the morning on both days, and the Night Glows are held at 19:00. This event the only one cometition that hot-air-balloons can fly over the Yoshinogari Historical Park. We hope you'll enjoy their flight sceneries around archaeological sites.
2023 Yoshinogari Winter Balloon Fiesta
1.Events Name
The 33rd Yoshinogari Cup, The 29th Himiko Cup Hot Air Balloon Competition
December 16(SAT) to 17(SUN), 2023
Yoshinogari Historical Park and nearby(Yoshinogari-Cho, Saga)
[Main Event Area] Yoshinogari Historical Park, Ichi-no-Hiroba(公園南西エリア)
※For the event, the parking lot called 「公園臨時駐車場」Koen Rinji Chushajo(公園西入口北 Northern area aound West Entrance) will be admission-free by 9 am. After the event, they will close once for the regular hours.
December 16(SAT)
06:20〜 General Briefing
07:30〜 Competition Flight
19:00〜 Night Glow (In the park, Minami-no-Mura SHibahu hiroba 南のムラ芝生広場)
December 17(SUN)
06:30〜 Task Briefing
07:30〜 Competition Flight
12:00〜 Awarding Ceremony (Historical Park Center, Tamokuteki Room)
19:00〜 Night Glow (In the park, Minami-no-Mura SHibahu hiroba 南のムラ芝生広場
Entrance Fee
[Competiton Flight]Free
※ Everyone once needs to leave the event area and parking lot before 9 am.
[Night Glow]After 5pm entering; Adult 280yen (over 65yrs old 200yen) Under 15 yrs old Free / Parking lot are only East side available.
Number of Hot-Air-Balloons
Related Site
- 2023吉野ヶ里ウィンターバルーンフェスタ(吉野ヶ里歴史公園)
Last Modified: 2023.12.12