[11/04 AM]Balloons of Pacific Cup (main competition) and Fiesta take off from the main event area all at once.
The 5th day, Nov. 4 Snu AM . 2018, is held.
Pacific Cup
Ballons take-off all at once at Event Launch Area.(Launch Period 7:00AM - 7:40AM)
Task 17
[Judge Declared Goal / JDG]
Balloons fly to the goal which the Event Director ordered. It is usually 4 to 6 km away from the goal. The pilots drop the marker (pink) toward the center of the target and the winner who drop to the nearest get 1000 points.
Position of set target Sanohzaki, Ashikaricho, Ogi City
Task 18
[Judge Declared Goal / JDG]
Balloons fly to the goal which the Event Director ordered. It is usually 4 to 6 km away from the goal. The pilots drop the marker (pink) toward the center of the target and the winner who drop to the nearest get 1000 points.
Position of set target Kakihise Ushizucho, Ogi City
Ballons take-off all at once at Event Launch Area.(after the pacific cup balloons took off)
Last Modified: 2018.11.04